Explore Commercial Space Travel with an Online Space Commercialization Certificate

MSU Denver’s online Space Commercialization Certificate provides a dynamic experience within the space and technology sector where future trends in commercial space travel, space commerce and exploration are all being considered. Whether you are diving into commercializing space for the first time, or are already familiar with the industry, this certificate provides you with the knowledge and skills needed to competently analyze the future trends in space commerce and exploration, assess risks, and optimize planning and integrating business concerns into the commercial space environment. Benefits include;

  • Increased knowledge and skills related to the commercial space industry
  • Employment opportunities in an important and expanding part of the Colorado and national economy
  • All certificate related coursework can be applied toward any Aviation and Aerospace Science Major at MSU Denver
  • All coursework can be completed without coming to campus
Hispanic Serving Institution badge

Hispanic Serving Institution

MSU Denver continues to serve the highest number of Hispanic/Latina/o/x students among institutions of higher education in the state of Colorado.

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Civically Engaged Campus

More than 70% of registered MSU Denver students voted in the 2020 Presidential Election.

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Nationally Ranked as #3 in Most Innovative Schools

In 2021 U.S. News ranked colleges making the most innovative improvements in terms of curriculum, faculty, students, campus life, technology or facilities.

Online MSU Denver student studying outside

$1000 Renewable Annual Scholarship for New and Returning Students

If you are a new or returning MSU Denver student interested in completing an fully online degree, this scholarship is for you.

Email online@msudenver.edu for details.

Online student studying outdoors

Access and Affordability

Access and affordability is our mission. 30% of our students pay no tuition/fees, 46% receive aid, and our tuition is among the lowest in the state.

Email online@msudenver.edu to learn about zero tuition and fees.

Call or Email - Speak to an Online Enrollment Specialist

Need help now? Get expert advice from our online enrollment specialist.


Success Coaching for Online Majors

1:1 Success Coaching for MSU Denver Online Majors

In the Office of Online Learning, your dedicated Student Success Coach is here to support you. We focus on helping you develop essential skills in our 5 Success Coaching Zones:

  • Growth Roadmapping
  • Time Management & Organization
  • Online Learning Strategies & Study Skills
  • Network of Resources
  • Stress Management, Wellness, & Self-Care


How to Get Started on Your Online Space Commercialization Certificate